Status Update
Posted by Adam Attwood Hillson on
We have caught up with all orders except for 4 (sorry if this is you!). They were large orders and effectively nearly clearing us out of some items. Decision was made to ignore these orders initially, focus on everyone else ordering "normal" amounts as figured this seemed fairer (also, means more orders shipped quicker, as some of these items needed programming). These 4 orders should be sorted this week or at the very least contacted to tell them current situation due to the next part..... We also over sold a few items (naming things like eproms - as if we...
A farewell....
Posted by Adam Attwood Hillson on
So, if you are reading this - you have seen the news that the store is closing. Shopify contacted me today wanting me to delist multiple products, but instead I have decided to close the store. Honestly, this has probably been a long time coming. Since Assemblergames closed, I fell out of love with retro gaming. The community I was once part of was no more and honestly, I think I preferred helping people with retro gaming more than I actually liked retro gaming. Things have also changed since I started selling modding components around 12 years ago. The quality...
Yes, we are still here
Posted by Adam Attwood Hillson on
Yes, we are still in business. Anything listed on the store to buy is actually in stock. No, I don't update the blog.
Site news
Posted by Adam Attwood Hillson on
So, some of you will know I have been selling modding parts to the community for coming on 10 years now. It had always been a side business or a "plan b". Well, as of today that is no longer the case. I officially quit the "day job" and the notice period is over. Today is my first day as a free man. So this brings a lot more free time, so I am looking at bringing premods and console modding services back (I stopped them at least 5 years ago!!). It will also mean I have a lot more...
Updates, new products and GitHub.
Posted by Adam Attwood Hillson on
First, I should probably use this part of the site more often. The last post was the closing of AssemblerGames and that was 18 months ago! While on the topic of things I should do more often - I have been working hard to improve documentation and the product page descriptions (and will soon add images to the couple of items still missing them!). I have always been a "doer" and less of a "write it down" type of guy. Probably something to do with writing documentation as part of an old job for years - I just hate it....